Week 6 (1): Firepower Delivered

As of now the player can fire small pellets and will get a time bonus from hitting an enemy with these projectiles. I did this by creating a new p5.play Group for the bullets; each time the player presses one of the firing keys, a new Sprite is created, with a set velocity on the x-axis, and added to the group; the group then checks collisions with walls, to disappear, and with enemies, to remove both elements from the game and reduce the timer/increase the score for the player’s run.

hans splinter - firepower.jpg
firepower… by Hans Splinter on Flickr under a CC License.

The rest of the team worked on: keeping the score saving screen within the P5 canvas, in a retro style four-character toggler; level design aids, to run a custom level within the current game engine.

I will further report on next week’s work once we assign issues across the team.

– Please give me work.

Week 6 (1): Firepower Delivered

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